Course Details

Navigating the complex world of non-audit monitoring visits can be challenging, but we've got you covered! In this insightful course, we delve into the five critical areas you need to pay attention to:

  • Non-audit files: Discover how to ensure compliance and accuracy in non-audit documentation, helping you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Solicitor Engagement files: Gain valuable insights into the intricacies of solicitor engagement, safeguarding your processes and reputation.
  • Investment Business: Uncover the secrets to effectively monitor your investment business activities, optimizing performance and minimizing risks.
  • Client Monies: Learn how to safeguard client funds, enhancing trust and accountability within your organization.
  • AML (Anti-Money Laundering): Stay up-to-date with AML regulations and best practices, so you can combat financial crime with confidence.

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CPD Course Speaker


Colm Owens

As a member of our Practice Support team, Colm’s focus is on helping practices achieve on-going best practice compliance, prepare for monitoring visits and assist with post-monitoring visits follow-ups.

Having spent the 6 years prior to joining OmniPro as a quality reviewer with Chartered Accountants Ireland Colm has a unique insight into how firms operate, the challenges facing firms and how firms are responding to current issues facing them and the profession.